Our Trees, Wreaths and Artisan Gifts

All of our trees will be the freshest, highest quality tree you’ve had. Let us help you decide on which is the perfect one by visiting our lot or giving us a call 480-202-6801

  • Noble Fir.

    The Noble Fir is the most popular modern Christmas Tree. The Noble Fir does very well in extreme conditions in both warm and cold environments and has a beautiful spruce like appearance with evenly spaced strong branches.

  • Fraser Fir.

    The Fraser Fir is a native of the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina. There are some trees in production on the west coast where it is becoming popular because of its narrow pyramid shape, strong slightly upturned branches which gives this tree a compact appearance. It has a wonderful citrus aroma and superb needle retention.

  • Nordman Fir.

    The Nordmann Fir is the most popular tree in Europe and is commonly grown in Germany and Norway. The Nordmann has an outstanding symmetrical form and relatively open branch structure with distinct whorls. The needles are short, dark green that lay flat on the branch with a deep green silvery underside that is soft to the touch.

  • Douglas Fir

    The Douglas Fir is very fragrant, bright green with sturdy needles that are soft to the touch.

  • Evergreen Wreaths

Delivery/Vehicle Loading

Delivery and installation

We offer tree delivery service to most destinations near our lots in the Scottsdale area. We hire responsible, knowledgeable employees who are skilled and capable to handle trees of any size and shape. Delivery includes installation on your own stand or install a stand sold at the tree lot and set tree in your home or business. The delivery fees vary depending on the area and customers needs.


We will gladly load your tree on your car or truck. We have twine and other supplies needed to ensure safe transport of your tree. This is a courtesy so always double check just to make sure your tree is secure before leaving the lot.